
We went to the new Korean BBQ place in Inman park yesterday…and yes this is still a vegetarian food blog. My phone died so the pictures are terrible a la nicks terrible camera phone. 20160929_193417The food was much better.

The Korean bbq thing has been the thing for a minute now, a craze that we have watched from afar, scoffing out loud but shedding a silent tear that we have no fad to jump on other than another fucking fried brussel sprout (those are good though). Well, this place looked cool and didn’t label itself explicitly as a Korean BBQ place so we went in to check out the menu and figured we could at least grab a drink. They don’t have their liquor license yet so they send you next door to Vinoteca with a 10% off coupon to go pick out your bevvy which was a fun (and cheaper) experience.

The veg items are labeled (V) which makes things markedly easier to order though makes me feel a tad like a picky eater (yuck). Surprisingly, there were a lot of V’s to be had on this menu! We started with the fried tofu and the banchan tray – a tray of five seasonal veggies. This veg plate has to be the best deal at $6 and unlimited! The five we were offered were a pickled cucumber, soy bok choi, eggplant, sesame kale, and kimchi and they were all unique and tasty. I was excited to try the fried tofu as I have been into it lately (if you have any recommendations of good places to go for this please tell me!). It came out with a ‘soy sauce marinade’ that seemed to be like a sweet Polynesian sauce or something. The tofu looked nice and crispy. Unfortunately, it was crunchy not crispy and under-seasoned, the cilantro was the only saving grace.

For a main we ordered Pajeon (scallion pancake). It was so so so good.

Lastly, the desserts caught our eye and we ended up ordering the fried twinkie with ‘strawberry fluid gel’ (not the most appetizing descriptor there) and double chocolate milk a la mode. I was surprised that I liked the twinkie part and not the other stuff, I directly thought the opposite would be true. I think they are trying to be fun and that’s nice. I thought the double chocolate ice cream was probably made in house because it was super savory (which I’m kind of into) but it wasn’t great, apparently it is not made in house either…Service was great, they were playing some great music like Souls of Mischief up until the very end when it went pop country as we were walking out (thankfully) and I just want to say – put the orig. dj back on the mic please, the atmosphere was great. We will be back for another pancake and to try some of the other veg stuff and grab a bottle of wine. B- for food, A+ for date spot.

Update: This was a forgotten post from a couple of months ago. I still lust for that Pajeon and I think the sweet byob deal is gone nowadays – anyone been there recently? Time for another trip!

