Tip: Crispy kale is the best last minute side

20161017_205118-1Often as a veg I find myself struggling to complete a meal. It seems to lack a final component that really makes it feel like a full meal. This makes ‘sides’ an important thing for us. ‘Sides’ to vegetarians are just food…just the section in a cookbook we can most often utilize, a couple of sides is our complete meal. So here is one of my favorite 5 minute sides that we enjoy all the time, its perfect to finish off an incomplete meal (like a side for a veggie burger) or a great snack for when you have guests – crispy kale! Simply wash and shred your kale, rub with salt and oil and place on a baking sheet. Set the oven to 375 and pop it in for about 7-10 minutes or until it is starting to turn a touch brown. When it comes out the options are endless, throw on yeast flakes, cayanne, paprika – my favorite is sriracha. Kale chips really even give the addictive potato chip a run for it’s money and it’s healthier so get on this guilt free snack!



2 thoughts on “Tip: Crispy kale is the best last minute side

  1. Yessss everyone makes jokes about me only ordering sides! Speaking of veggies and eating out – Argosy’s Brussels sprout salad is doooooooope!

  2. And also this is so smart and easy and you’re totally right and I should stop being so lazy.

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