Cauliflower Cheese

  • 1 head of cauliflower, washed and broken into florets15301309_10211294199215145_1031928531_n
  • a couple of leeks, washed and sliced
  • a dash of mirin or cooking sherry.

For the cheese sauce:

  • plain flour, 1 cup
  • butter, 1/3 stick
  • pinch s + p
  • a mix of heavy cream and milk, enough for a smooth consistency
  • parmesan, swiss, cheddar, ~3 cups, grated
    • mustard, 2 generous dollops

Lightly steam the cauliflower florets. Don’t overcook to mushiness – just sort of ‘al dente’ them. Meanwhile sauté the leeks or onions in butter with a generous dash of mirin until they are soft and a bit caramelized.

Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the plain flour until you have a smooth paste (I use a whisk and a wooden spoon). Then gradually add the milk/heavy cream, whisking all the lumps out until it is smooth. Gently heat, to medium whisking all the time – I shove a dollop of strong mustard in at this point – you could add mustard powder to the flour at the beginning though. Stir until it thickens nicely and is velvety. Throw in handfuls of parmesan until it tastes really cheese – also some of the other cheeses – I tend to cook by adjusting to taste rather than rigidly weighing all the ingredients (Ruby note: this is where I get it from)! Arrange the cauliflower in a pyrex dish. Mix in the leeks, handfuls of the grated cheeses, salt, pepper and then pour the sauce over the top. Grate a tad of nutmeg on (very 1970’s) and then sprinkle more cheese over it so it will look purdy when it cooks.

Pop it in the oven for however long it takes for it to bubble and finish off cooking through the cauliflower. It should be golden brown and crispy – I look through the oven door with the light on rather than set a time…EAT (with crusty bread and a glass of vino).