Help me name this delicious cocktail…

We recently visited this restaurant called Masti in Toco Hills shopping center. It’s a fun Indian American fusion place that we may do a post about someday – for now I’ll just tell you about their “Sharabi Lassi” aka a boozy mango lassi aka Nick’s new favorite cocktail. It consists of mango lassi, coconut rum and a splash of Bailey’s Irish Cream. Simultaneously creamy and refreshing!

Since this new fave cocktail is a recent discovery and we have been working a lot – the desire to visit and partake has come up more than we can afford. For some reason having a busy work schedule tends to obliterate the budget. Today we had a particularly long, blegh Monday and decided that due to our broke-ass-ness we would try to make our own delicious cocktail! One that would be worthy of a $10 price but in reality decidedly cheaper. With the lassi as inspiration we took off from there.

So here we have it – and it is dee-lish! (pic taken pre-stirred because it looks so beautiful like this…please stir it irl)

We had some coconut milk ($1) at home and picked up a carton of apricot juice ($1.69) from the farmers market, that plus a baby booze of Bacardi ($1) and that’s it! Oh and a tinned apricot for garnish don’t hurt. That’s all you need to have yourself one amazing creamy refreshing summer cocktail…well two actually. Now it just needs a name…?



One thought on “Help me name this delicious cocktail…

  1. Apricocktail



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    Lassi come Home

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