It’s been a minute since the last post. These last couple months have been a hectic scramble to stay on top of life stuff (AC conking out, shitty doctors appointments, switching banks, etc) at the same time as working multiple jobs and gigs. We are beat. Thankfully we are about to go on vacation. Hopefully then I will learn how to write about food again? I haven’t been writing about food, but I have been cooking a lot.
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Celebrating Summer – Miller Union + Peaches and Tomatoes with Feta
Gosh things have been busy. We are booked to go on a big trip back to England and then Sardinia, Naples and Rome so needless to say we have been scrambling around to make sure we have enough nuts in storage (weird analogy there).
What have we been doing with food?
Well, I have been dieting and am happy to say I’ve lost 15 lbs since April! I still have five more to go but am hoping to hit it before October so I can pile it back on in Italy.
» Read more about: Celebrating Summer – Miller Union + Peaches and Tomatoes with Feta »Healthy Breakfast Balls
I have been well overdue for a post though I have been cooking like mad lately. It hasn’t translated to the blog yet because I’m just 1.) playing with a lot of new ideas and 2.) quite lazy about recording my measurements.
This week I will supply you with a recipe for a revolutionary new thing in my life, introduced to me by my lovely friend Stacy (thank you Stacy!!). Nick and I LOVE THEM and have now started making our own regularly.
» Read more about: Healthy Breakfast Balls »Nick’s New Veg Garden!
You know you are getting older when the highlight of your day is mis-labelled cheese. We’re talking like usual price, $5-7, accidentally priced at $1.35. Maybe it was no accident, maybe there was an unmarked cheese sale going on. I didn’t ask questions, I just popped three in my cart and said to myself ‘this is gonna be a good day’.
We planted six cherry tomatoes yesterday. Two courgette (zucchini), two cucumbers + a basil and two english lavenders for our lil herb garden (the hardy oregano and lemon-mint is going gangbusters,
My First White Castle
I went to my first White Castle yesterday while driving from Nashville back to Atlanta. To those unfamiliar, White Castle is the Northern-based fast food restaurant known for its mini sliders (little square burgers). Like many fast food places, it has it’s staunch followers who believe it to be the best version of a fast food place selling little sliders, as opposed to the South’s answer, Krystal. As much as I hate to be a traitor to my people,
a mano
We went to a mano this year for Nick’s 30th birthday. I picked it because I had heard positive things and they had a nice long amari menu. We’ve been into aperitif lately, so much so that we have been concocting our own – but maybe that deserves it’s own post next week….
When we arrived we were seated quickly in a little mini booth next to the bar, the hostess was nice.
Last night Nick and I went to what I thought was another weekend pop-up at Gato in Candler Park. I reviewed one of their pop-ups a few years ago, you can read it here. I was quite pleased then, and I still am! They seem to consistently rep the vegetarians well – last night the majority of the dishes were veg (one had a lil bit of duck fat, but I’m no purist).
Black-Eyed Peas with Kale
We have been eating more southern food lately. The kind of southern that I suppose a lot of southerners wouldn’t consider as real southern food as it does not involve any ham hocks or anything of the kind. I do cook things low and slow though and I like to think it’s more delicious without the distinct taste of flesh. This is one of my most favorites, a combo of two absolutely delicious things, black-eyed peas and kale.
» Read more about: Black-Eyed Peas with Kale »Experimenting with Jicama and Daikon
How’s it going people? Does it feel like the January 49th to you too? I’m ready for Feb. Our goal for January was ‘the house’. This meant cleaning out those nooks that have been accumulating clutter for a year, dealing with that neglected leak, finally washing the mildew off the siding, and many a trip to goodwill. I would say we did OK, not achieving some of the bonus tasks like repainting the shutters and replacing the much-hated vinyl flooring in the kitchen,
» Read more about: Experimenting with Jicama and Daikon »Satsuma Salad
Back on my workout kick as I have a goal to look and feel my most bangin’ by the 30th b-day this Aug. So far it’s feeling GREAT to be moving my body again after the holiday laze. The goal has been 2 hikes a week, 3 days a week of cardio and Sunday yoga but it’s turning into more than that. It’s funny how once you get into the groove of things it’s so easy and quickly evolves into a beautiful addiction.
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