Cauliflower Halloumi Tacos

Halloumi is huge in England – it’s everywhere. I was overjoyed when burrata exploded onto every menu here in the States and now I am hoping that this English fad will come on over and be our next burrata (if you haven’t had burrata – it is a creamy filled mozzarella ball of indulgence. Not to be missed.). Halloumi, quite differently, is a hard, salty cheese from Cyprus that you can grill or fry. It is SO good. It is fantastic on a salad, but really you can use it as a nice salty flavourful protein addition to a lot of things. Apparently the Cypriots like to have it with watermelon in the summer and in the middle east they have it often with hummus and falafel and even for breakfast (yes please). Nick and I like to cube it up and fry it and toss it onto meals or grill it on a skewer – this recipe for an unconventional taco is one of my favorite ways to eat halloumi. If you can’t find it in your local store keep your eyes peeled for any greek’grilling cheese’ or the Palistinian ‘nabulsi’ which will be similar.

Cauliflower Halloumi Tacos

  • 1/2 cup greek yogurt
  • arugula
  • 1 small cauliflower, cut into small florets
  • 4 oz. of halloumi cheese, cut into half inch slices.
  • 1/2 small onion, diced
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1/2 cucumber, diced
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • mini tortillas!

Cut up all your veg and the halloumi. Mix the cucumber, tomato, onion and greek yogurt together with a spritz of lemon juice. Sautee cauliflower – the way I like to do this is by kind of steam/sautéing. I add a few tablespoons of water and cover the cauliflower for a few minutes just to get it a bit more tender, then I take the lid off and sauté normally. In a separate pan toss your halloumi into a well oiled pan on med low and let it hang out there for a couple minutes (til golden brown) and then flip and do the other side for a couple minutes. When it’s done take it out and cube it.

Assemble your halloumi, cauliflower, yogurt salad and arugula, together in a tortilla and voila!




One thought on “Cauliflower Halloumi Tacos

  1. make this for me please. Hilarious pic of Nick echoing the painting behind him! lol

    Mume x

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