El Super Pan

img_20160911_143232I wasn’t intending on reviewing El Super Pan, it was meant to be a quick dine and dash but I keep finding myself returning and the last time I stopped in there with Nick we both remarked on how we have to write a post.

Here’s the rundown of four veg-friendly menu items I have tried. Firstly, the tofu bun. The steamed coconut bun is stuffed with a thick wedge of smokey tofu drizzled in some sweet gochujang and topped with crunchy pepitas, crispy cucumbers, and cilantro. It’s weird…in a good way. A lovely balance of sweet, smoky, crispy, chewy and a wonderful zip of cilantro to top it off – I find myself craving it.

Next time I visited I had a lunch meeting at PCM and decided I would grab the ‘Farm Cubano’ sandwich packed with veg. This unfortunately was no bueno – quite lacking because of the dry, crumbly bread, I was bummed.

Luckily, because of the tofu bun crave,  I returned with Nick and we tried the red beans and rice and their “Ensalata Verde with Latino Green goddess dressing” – I am intrigued by this latin green goddess dressing but ultimately expecting an average green salad of a few sprigs of watercress and average beans and rice. Shame on me because those were seriously the best damn beans and rice I can remember having AND that salad was a really interesting and tasty salad.

What is all this latin love we vegetarians are receiving? Totally unexpected and much appreciated El Super Pan.20160911_14172920160911_141721

