It’s been a minute since the last post. These last couple months have been a hectic scramble to stay on top of life stuff (AC conking out, shitty doctors appointments, switching banks, etc) at the same time as working multiple jobs and gigs. We are beat. Thankfully we are about to go on vacation. Hopefully then I will learn how to write about food again? I haven’t been writing about food, but I have been cooking a lot. We have been eating a lot of salads with fried halloumi or making bowls with lots of roasted veg, brown rice and mums magnificent marinated tofu. Very healthy in preparation for vacation eating which is bound to be less nutritious as I intend on eating my bodyweight in pizzas when we are in Naples.
Next week we start our journey in Orlando where I am thrilled to get a chance to hang out with Mickey and explore this vegan mecca I’ve heard all about. I fully intend on photographing the meals like crazy and will be returning with a highlight reel post – in the meantime stay tuned via instagram: vegetarianfork
Before I leave, I’ll leave you with an unseasonable recent recipe. Though green tomatoes are typically done by now, apparently at my local grocers they aren’t, so in honor of the insane weather (in Atlanta we are experiencing 93, sunny, drought – in late Sept!) I made this. Honestly, to me it is an upgraded version of the classic tomato pie – don’t kill me, I will always love the classic, but this just has somethin’ a little more special and refined. I made it when I was irked because I thought we were going out to eat and then Nick had to work late so I had to cook….I was surprised something made with vague pissyness could come out so delicious. Hope you like!
Green Tomato Tart
puff pastry, 1 sheet (approx. 4oz. or 4x8in)
- half a green tomato, sliced
- cream cheese, quarter block (mix in 1/4 tsp of garlic and onion flakes, parsley, thyme, oregano, s+p)
- 1 tbsp capers minced
- 1/4 cup of gruyere
- s+p
Makes two large slices (good for two). If making for more, easy to double recipe.
Spread cream cheese on puff (as best as you can, its ok if it’s not a smooth distribution, just do your best). Sprinkle onions and capers and half the gruyere on top and gently press in. Arrange tomato slices and top with remaining gruyere and s+p. Optional – crack an egg on top. Bake on 425 for around 20 minutes.