Red Cabbage Sauerkraut


  • One red cabbage
  • salt, half tbsp
  • tsp cumin
  • tsp black peppercorns


Cut off a couple outer leaves, shred up red cabbage (I ended up with about 4 cups worth) and put in mixing bowl. Add in half a tbsp of salt, a dash of cumin and a dash of black peppercorns and squeeze, massage, squeeze and repeat for about 10 minutes, until the cabbage has softened and there is a large amount of brine.

Press the cabbage into the jar, pour the liquid over. Make sure that all of the cabbage stays submerged, otherwise it will spoil so use the outer leaf to stuff over the top of the shredded and then weight to make sure it all stays under the brine. Cover with dishtowel/cheescloth/coffee filter (You get the gist, covered but breathable) and leave in cool dark place. Check on it every day to make sure all is staying submerged. By day 5-7 should be tasting good and ready to put the lid on and put in the fridge. By day 12-14 it’s pretty delish and legir sauerkraut. Will stay good for a month.