1/2 a medium courgette, sliced thinly
- 2 spring onions, sliced thinly
- 1 tub of fresh mozerella (ciligine (small balls) or bocconcini (big balls))
- white truffle oil, 2 tablespoons
- olive oil, 1 tablespoon
- lemon juice, 2 tsp (or squeeze a bit fresh lemon on there, even better!)
- spring mix, 2 handfuls
- s+p
Take dough out of fridge to rise (usually an hour before you want to start cookin’). Wash and slice your courgettes and spring onions. Oil baking pan (~12×16) and stretch dough (artfully in circular motion as to avoid holes!) until it fits comfortably into the pan. Drizzle with your white truffle oil and olive oil. Spread the oil across the dough with your fingers. While you are doing this you can make a pressing, prodding motion making small wells in the dough. Place the courgette onto the dough, then spread your spring onion slices. Don’t be afraid to press some of these ingredients into the dough, its tasty. Lastly, take your little mozzarella balls and stretch them apart and then place on dough. Salt and pepper, sometimes a quick drizzle more of white truffle oil. Cook on 385 for 10 minutes. Go and check it out, salivate, (turn it around if your oven is prone to baking things unevenly) cook for another 10 minutes. Rinse your greens. Take out of oven. After it has cooled for about 5-10 minutes, throw on about two handfuls of spring greens and your lemon juice, sometimes I use the back of a spoon to kind of press the greens down so they mix a bit with the hot oil. Cut. Eat. Fight over last slice with cooking companion.