Welcome to VEGFORK!

carrot_cumin_soupThis is our vegetarian food blog. Finally.

In this incredibly informal blog, we will mainly be posting pictures and recipes from the food adventures we have at home. The aim is to explore the fundamentals of recipes as a basis to play and expand the vegetarian repertoire. Basically, I hope for you to be able to be a fly on the wall as I faff about in the kitchen learning things.

We also like to experience other chefs attempts at a satisfying vegetarian meal. The way we like to eat is beyond the undercooked asparagus, beyond the chicken salad with no chicken, beyond the parmesan and butter pasta that some assume is what the vegetarian subsists from. To your left is an impeccable carrot cumin soup with hazelnuts, some unknown fancy amazing oil and a violet. I still dream of this soup and it is a perfect example of nothing being sacrificed for vegetarianism. Often, vegetarian food at restaurants can lack a feeling finesse or consideration. Finding interesting, satisfying vegetarian food that’s cooked well is our objective, and we hope to be able to share any place that we have found that with you.

Please visit our food hall page to view, or submit any reviews from any restaurants you have been to that you feel have something notable for the vegetarian. Hopefully we can help people discover some amazing spots/dishes for vegetarians around the world that may not be labelled as such. Vegans/Pesca/Lacto/Ovo’s  – All welcome 🙂

